Tuesday, February 1, 2011

An Introduction

The Chinese philosopher, Confucius, once said, "The way you cut your meat reflects the way you live." 

My name is Becca and I like my meat medium-rare.  Even though I avoid shellfish and only eat kosher meat, I'm an open-minded eater and love trying new food.  It's no surprise that I have developed a fondness for fine dining -- my parents made a point of introducing exotic fare into my life from an early age and, years later, my affinity toward food has blossomed into a coupling of cooking and being cooked for.  

I've named my blog "Food de Journal" (playing off of the French "de jour," which means "day") because I hope to use it as a way to log my adventures with food (though unfortunately I can't afford to dine fancily daily... yet).  Stay tuned as I wine, dine, and write. 

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